My Facebook page has 2K Likes. Average reach per month – 40K. Cost? Less than 70€ (80$).

How do I do it? Simple. Automated post promotion

I’m a lecturer, digital marketer in my own agency and from time to time I blog about digital marketing. 

This is my page:

Link to the page –

And here are the stats from both Facebook insights (page stats) and Facebook ads:

Link to the reporting spreadsheet – 
(updates daily)

How does this work?

I have set up two campaigns through adyeet:
Campaign 1 – targets people who have visited my company website, my blog or have engaged with my facebook page
Campaign 2 – Lookalikes of the audiences in the first campaign

Both campaigns have set daily budget of 1€ (that’s the minimum you can set on Facebook)

As you can see, paid advertising for the posts increases the organic reach as well, since people who have been reached by paid posts, share, like and comment – therefore increasing the organic reach. 

The big question – is it worth saving those on average 60€ per month and communicate to 2000 people or should you invest and increase your reach 20(!!!) times?

Maris, cofounder of AdYeet



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