Top 3 tactics for Facebook page post boost/promotion

Just as with any tool you can have, Adyeet Facebook post promotion works best if the most appropriate approach is chosen. Here we list top 3 tactics that our customers use to reach their goals.

Automatically promote your posts to your website visitors

Does having a retargeting campaign that always has fresh content and various messages sound good? Then automatic posts boosting to people who have visited your website is the best choice.

Not only this works as a fresh approach to retargeting, but also lets you connect to your potential customers on a new level and in an environment that they feel good in.

Based on your budget and traffic to website, we suggest using audience of the last 60-90 day visitors. Of course, if you get massive traffic, audience of users in last 30 days can be ok, but if you’re just starting out – audience of last 180 days can be optimal.

Promote posts to people who have engaged with your Facebook page

You probably have heard that Facebook is cutting off the organic reach and you probably have noticed that each of your posts is reaching only a fraction of people who have liked your page. Sometimes this fraction is below 15 and even 10 percent.

To make sure that people who have engaged with your content (liked, shared, commented or just clicked) continue seeing your posts and keep updated, there is no other way than to use advertising features.

In these cases you can create a custom audience of people who have interacted with your Facebook page (going back as far as 360 days) and set up an automated boost campaign that targets these people so you can keep them engaged with all that awesome content that makes you, well, you.

Boost posts and reach people most similar to your existing customers

After you have covered bases with people who are engaged in your website or Facebook page, it’s time to do some outreach to people who might be interested in your product/service.

This is where Facebook’s lookalike audiences come in – having a pixel that tracks conversions on your website a must though. If you already have this in place, just create a lookalike audience, wait for Facebook to populate it and launch your next automatic boost campaign to bring in those new leads.

In this case, the more data for lookalike audiences, the better, so we would suggest using the maximum timeframe allowed by Facebook in this case (180 days).

Bonus: making the party more fun for people engaged in you

The more people the more fun at a party, right? So, why not target people who are most similar to those who comment on your posts, like your pictures, share your links and engaged with other kinds of your content?

Just create a lookalike audience of people who have engaged with you and you will target people who are more likely to like you. Since they are similar to the people who like you already, it’s pretty possible, that they will share your values and want to be in business with you.

And now, go, create your first campaign with AdYeet, the automatic Facebook post promoter! 😉



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